Founder of
The Breast Recovery Fund

Founder & President of
The Generous Life Foundation

Kim Gros, Treasurer

Kim was diagnosed with breast cancer in May of 2018. Because her cancer was detected very early and it had not spread, Kim opted for a bi-lateral mastectomy followed by reconstructive surgery and did not require any further treatment.

After experiencing a mastectomy and the intense recovery process involved with mastectomy as well as reconstructive surgery, Kim founded the Breast Recovery Fund with Ocshner Hospital. The BRF provides mastectomy bras and take home bags that contain items patients need to assist in their recovery.

The latest project the BRF has taken on and is in the process of developing is a video program for patients and their children. This video program is intended to help patients and their children navigate through diagnosis and treatment and should be rolled out in October, 2021.

CAGLA adds 8 new members to their Scientific Advisory Board

CAGLA’s Scientific Advisory Board (SAB) is comprised of some of the top healthcare providers from across Louisiana. Our SAB members provide strategic guidance and direction for our CAGLA state legislative initiatives and for our annual NeauxCancer Oncology Conference....

Your Support Matters

Donate to CAGLA CARES and make a real, lasting difference in our state’s cancer care.



Each donation strengthens our efforts towards innovative legislation, advanced cancer research, and enhanced patient care. Back our cause, help us realize a cancer-free Louisiana.